Always in a hurry
I push myself forward every day
But often neglect to enjoy life
There will be more than three months to say goodbye to 2020
You said at the beginning of the year to improve the quality of life
Is it really going to be delayed?
Busy for half a year
Follow Xiaomi today
Enjoy the current restart plan
Enjoy quality every day~

Quality of life and personal attitude are inseparable
And Xiaomi likes beauty concentrated in tea water
Use exquisite Simita Barn Cup
Make a cup of tea and enjoy tea for a moment

Built with heart, rigorous workmanship
Pay tribute to Chinese culture with ingenuity

#Independent tea warehouse design
Filter tea leaves
Choose the intensity, taste the tea
Leisure time, encounter slow life

#316 stainless steel vacuum construction
Create excellent insulation effectiveness
Waiting for you warmly anytime

#316 stainless steel vacuum construction
Create excellent insulation effectiveness
Waiting for you warmly anytime

Simita Barn Cup
Concentrate the quality of life with a cup of tea
Exquisite life can never be done
Enjoy life in a cup with Xiaomi
Enjoy a moment of leisurely tasting time